Career Development-Bundle Price Package
$3,510.00Developing your skill sets will add invaluable career options that you can apply throughout your life striving to achieve your goals.My Brooklyn Fatherhood Program-Bundle Price Package
$2,565.00My Brooklyn is a virtual learning academy that provides The Skin I’m In and MDL Inc. curriculum, which teaches self-esteem, awareness, empowerment, and self-worth, in an e-learning format. It may be implemented as a stand-alone project or integrated within existing programs targeting young girls. My Brooklyn is a model program that will help arm young girls with the character-building skills to achieve empowerment and overcome those challenges to their self-esteem. Every girl, like Brooklyn, should be provided the opportunities to reach her full potential. Get the BCSJI Course Bundle and Save $! Course Length: Weeks Course Hours:Second Chances Jail Alternative Program-Bundle Price Package
$2,160.00An alternative to incarceration that may lead to loss of employment, family disconnection and stigma. • Hands on training/education • Linkage to supportive services • Certificates after successful completion of each module that may be used for education enrollment and job placementProject Management Training: Understanding Project Management
$405.00$297.00Course Length: 16 Weeks Course Hours: 24 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview This in-depth course will take you through all aspects of project management. First, you will consider what a project is and what a project manager does. Then, you will work through the four stages of the project life cycle: conceptual, planning, execution, and termination. You will also learn some supporting skills, like teamwork, communication, and presentation.