Managing the process legally Conflict Resolution: Dealing With Difficult People, PCC Global Diversity and Inclusion
$135.00$99.00Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview In this course, you will learn the benefits of conflict resolution, anger and stress management tips, and ways to improve your own outlook in challenging situations. You will also learn a practical three-step model that will help you resolve conflict in a positive manner.How Active Listening improves your image from the other side of the chair
$135.00$99.00Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview In this course, you will learn what active listening is and what qualities active listeners have. You will also learn how to manage your body language, create a positive listening attitude, encourage conversation, build relationships, and overcoming listening roadblocks.How to Build Goal Setting Strategies
$135.00$99.00Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview In this course, you will create your personal vision, identify your values, and make a bucket list. From there, you will create goals with SPIRIT, set up support systems, learn how to deal with setbacks, and identify ways to get started on your journey to achieve your goals.Techniques to Build Your Self Esteem and Assertiveness Skills
$135.00$99.00Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview In this course, you will explore what self-esteem is and factors that may contribute to low self-esteem. You will also learn ways to build your self-esteem, be assertive and not abrasive, and creating an opportunity for others feel better about themselves.The guide to understanding and dealing with Anger Management – Understanding Anger
$135.00$99.00Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview This course will help you define anger. You will be able to identify how anger can affect you and those around you. You will also learn about the anger process, trigger thoughts, behavior types, and coping strategies.Veterans Social Readjustment Program-Bundle Price Package
$2,409.75Veterans are also most likely to experience socioeconomic conditions including poverty, homelessness, lack of access to reliable transportation, poor education and unemployed or underemployed, each of which, unless addressed may further impair their capacity to transitioning from combat to civilian society.Military Diversity Training vs Corporate and Understanding the Difference: Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace, PCC Diversity and Inclusion
$135.00$99.00Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview In this course, you will learn what diversity means and what some of its related terms are. You'll also considers how your world has changed and how stereotypes impact people. Then, you'll learn how to use the four cornerstones of diversity and the STOP technique to encourage a diverse workplace. You will also learn how to manage for diversity and deal with discrimination issues.Coaching and Mentoring Youths of Color, Veterans and Non-Veterans in the 21st Century, PCC Global Diversity and Inclusion
$135.00$99.00Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview In this course, you will learn how coaching and mentoring differ from each other. You will also learn the key aspects of each skill as well as supporting skills (such as goal setting, communication, feedback techniques, and adult learning principles).Business Leadership: Becoming Management Material and rising to the top as a Veteran or Non-Veteran in today’s Work force, Dr. Rubin Cockrell
$405.00$297.00Course Length: 16 Weeks Course Hours: 24 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview The first part of this course will teach you about Peter Senges five learning disciplines: personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, team learning, and systems thinking. You will also learn about Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchards Situational Leadership II model, servant leadership, and the five practices in James Kouzes and Barry Posner's The Leadership Challenge. In addition to these leadership models, basic skills (such as building trust, managing change, personal productivity, resolving conflict, solving problems, and leading meetings) will also be covered.